PECKMAN, Dale B. (Major)

Call No.: K239.512-019 

IRIS No.: 00903744 

IRIS Tape No.: 00903745 

Accessibility: OPEN 

Pages/Time: 19pp/0:50 

Class: U 

Date/Location: 18 September 1967/Maxwell AFB AL 

Interviewer: Lt. Col. Robert Eckert 

Source: Project CORONA HARVEST Collection 


(1966-1967) Oral history interview with Major Dale Peckman, chief of Flying Safety Division and Directorate of Safety, HQ 7th Air Force (AF). Topics included are the high flight accident rate prior to 1966, accident causes include insufficient training of aircrews, disregard of professional training by pilots, Vietnamese lack of concern for midair collisions, pressing too hard by pilots to strike their targets, forcing of AF to provide close air support to Army operations when airspace crowded by Army helicopters manned by poorly trained crews and also the loading of aircraft beyond the weight capacity. Also discussed is the 834th Air Division effectiveness in airlift support which was hampered since other organizations control their aircraft, the fact that the accident rate has diminished since Gen. William W. Momyer took over the 7th AF and pushed accident prevention program.